Monday, November 13, 2006


Here I am updating photos with Mr Dot sleeping beside me hehe.. blabih! Always sleeps beside me when I'm on this sofabed hehe.. Pictures of Dot taken by my Girlfriend tee hee hee..

Thats Dot "mengasaking" beside me hehe

That's his very pinkish paw hehe..

I heard some squeeking sound out the window behind me. I knew it was the "musang" that lives on our roof hehe.. Commonly known as the Palm Civet. So here I am looking out the window with my camera aiming towards the dark branches of the tree.

I used my iluminator to help me and to my surprise, I saw reflective eyes, just like cat eyes.

I decided to climb out the window, like Steve Irwin "Crickey!", on to the roof and get closer shots. These are the best I could get in the darkness hehe

Mind you, they like to eat the "matuwo" fruit, God only knows how it's spelt :-) So I end up having matuwo seeds and skin on top of my car in the morning haha.. Bad bad Musangs!

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