Friday, December 01, 2006

we could be dancing..

Sometime in the early morning of Thursday..
Weather - Clear blue skies, Sun rising..
Location - parking lot cleared, ready for some actions..

Sound check one two three..

Is it time?

Yes it's time..

Lets get it on..

Jiggy with me..

Some to the left.. some to the right..

Most likely to his left hehe

A little lower now..

First some stretching..

Apply sunblock to avoid unnecessary tanning hehe

Step forwards and SMILE!

How is it done again?

Grab.. then push.. WHOOSH! Or you can chicken dance too hehe

You're doing it all wrong.. left palm down..

Right palm up..

Then stretch all the way up..

Confused? Bend to your left..

Then down..

Then lower your stances..

Time to cool down..

A bit more..

And we're done..

Lovin' it.. Round of applause..

Lovin the h2O..

One shot please..

Hmmm.. one more?

Big smiles? Then I turned and understood why hehe

Fortunately only half an hour later.. it rained..

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